Service Description
Unwanted and unsolicited email, known as spam, is on average 78% of all email sent. To reduce the amount of spam coming into our inboxes, spam filters have been put in place on TEDU’s email system.
Most malware attacks today occur through a combination of spam and compromised web pages. Interacting with spam can put your personal information at risk as well as download a virus to your machine that may spread to other computers on the network.
Benefits and key features for this service are:
- Spam Quarantine: Catches most spam and deletes it after 30 days; false positives can be "released" from quarantine upon request of user by mail admin.
- Spam Quarantine Summary: Summary of mail identified as spam is sent to your inbox every day at 4:00 pm.
- "Bad Senders" lists: Prevents spammers by adding the email address or domain to a list.
- "Good Senders" lists: Ensures "good" email always get through
Available To
Faculty, Staff and Students.
Getting Started
The spam service is provided to all TEDU e-mail users as built-in.